Average and Min ICMP Latency to apc from wumpus

Description:Average and Min ICMP Latency to apc from wumpus
Resource: Average and Min ICMP Latency of 100 pings to apc
Proxy DNS Name to IP information is manually maintained inside MRTG and should be verified as part of correlating this data with reported performance problems.

The statistics were last updated(Timezone = CST/CDT): Wed Jan 15 22:34:30 2025

'Daily' graph (5 Minute Average)

CSV Export (Last 64 Hours, 5 Minute Average)

'Weekly' graph (30 Minute Average)

CSV Export (Last 16 Days, 30 Minute Average)

CSV Export (Last 16 Days, 30 Minute Maximum)

'Monthly' graph (2 Hour Average)

CSV Export (Last 64 Days, 2 Hour Average)

CSV Export (Last 64 Days, 2 Hour Maximum)

'Yearly' graph (1 Day Average)

CSV Export (Last 800 days, 24 Hour Average)

CSV Export (Last 800 days, 24 Hour Maximum)

Version 2.100016 Tobias Oetiker and Dave Rand
14all.cgi 1.1p17 Rainer Bawidamann  <bawidama@users.sourceforge.net>